New Journey Begins with Take Shape for Life

I am starting my new journey with a program called Take Shape for Life (TSFL or Medifast...or Dr. A's Habits of Health). Honestly the name confuses me a little, but I am looking past that.

I chose to try this program for a few reasons. The first one that peaked my interest was that you get a personal coach. I really need someone checking up on me and igniting the "guilt" factor if I try and cheat. The second reason is to give myself a little more structure. With Weight Watchers I learned how much or little certain foods contributed to my daily food intake. The TSFL program is very structured and explains HOW the body works with the food you give it. I have already learned a lot about my body and I haven't even started the program yet.

So here I go. I start on the 6th of January, my box of food is here and I am very anxious to see how things go. I know the first few days (until I go into Fat burn) will be difficult. Right now, I have the confidence and will power to succeed.

Here are my before pictures and measurements...This was a real eye opener since I haven't had a full length mirror until recently. I don't think I will be wearing this outfit again for a while. Yikes.


Weight:                         167.4
Chest Exhaled:              36.75"
Smallest Part of waist:   33.5"
Across Belly Button:     38.75"
Hips:                            40.75"
Right Thigh:                  25.5"
Left Thigh:                    24.5"
Calf:                             15.5"
Upper Arm:                  12.75"
Neck:                           12.75"